At the 2003 annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, researchers reported that over 60% of college students who had pledged virginity during their middle or high school years had broken their vow to remain abstinent until marriage.

Putting a purity ring on your finger, making a vow to Christ, or making a pledge is not the end, but the beginning. When you make a major decision to follow the ways of Christ, there is a high chance of resistance from your flesh at first. So what do we do once we have made that decision, took the ring, and made the pledge?

What happens when:
Society says it is impossible and unrealistic?
You still struggle with lust?
You have already had pre-marital sex?
Your decision becomes tough?
Condemnation starts setting in from the past?



One of my favorite things to do is to reflect on all of the prayers God has answered over the years. I created this journal for those like me who enjoy journaling and desire to grow in their prayer lives. This prayer journal is a great way to journal your prayers, reflect, pray for others, log your answered prayers, and enhance your quiet times with the Lord.

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